For over 10 years US professor and researcher Brené Brown (1965-) has studied the concept of vulnerability. Her book Daring greatly (2015) sums up the numerous interviews and research she has done on the subject of […]

For over 10 years US professor and researcher Brené Brown (1965-) has studied the concept of vulnerability. Her book Daring greatly (2015) sums up the numerous interviews and research she has done on the subject of […]
A selection of authors’ excerpts about why they write and why they read. Nora Ephron Let’s start with the funniest quote of the selection. US author Nora Ephron (1941-2012) is well-known for her romantic comedies […]
Peter Wollheben (1964 -) is a German forester. As he notices countless wonders in the forest he managed, his love of nature is reignited and his role as a forester is changed: in place of a […]
In his masterpiece novel Love in the time of cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927-2014) writes about his main character: “He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once […]
If music and painting can be taught and constitute quite common hobbies, in France, writing is put high up on a pedestal: you cannot learn how to write, you know, or you don’t. Writing comes […]